I found a couple videos up on YouTube from last year when corporate media outlets were allowed to say all kinds of things: doubt masks are always effective, Covid 19 and flu comparisons, and how science needs time to flush out details. I am going to be using these clips in a separate video about the hypocrisy. The last clip shows a doctor saying it takes decades to really understand a new virus. Do you think they're old and YouTube just isn't paying attention - or getting a pass because they're from corporate media channels?
If you’re the only one in your family who has the “no sugar” New Year’s resolution - Peter goat feels your pain.
Joel Salatin returns tomorrow to discuss the truth behind the news we all heard - that he was vetted to potentially lead the USDA. We'll also talk about egg shortages and "bird flu". What else would you like us to tackle?
Now will they pull these shots from the market?