Brenda Downs died after a hospital put her on a ventilator in late 2021, diagnosing her with Covid. Her family asked for her to be treated with ivermectin which prompted a court battle to force the hospital to comply, as doctors there said it was a horse dewormer and inappropriate for her situation. At one point there was an agreement from the hospital to treat with ivermectin IF the family signed a nondisclosure and agreed to never publicly talk about it. Brenda's family is coming on my show tomorrow to discuss this. I know ivermectin is a controversial topic - I think bigger picture here is questioning the power hospitals should have over patient choice.
This could be huge for those of us battling for free speech rights. I’m going to have my attorney, Pete Serrano of the Silent Majority Foundation, back on to discuss how this affects my case against Washington state. ANY QUESTIONS?