Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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QUESTIONS? Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, The Great Barrington Declaration & how the press drove COVID policy

QUESTIONS? Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, is my guest tomorrow. He is an author of the Great Barrington Declaration criticizing Covid policy, signed by nearly a million scientists around the world. I am sharing this article in MedPage Today because it says neither he, nor his co-authors, returned request for comment, which always catches my eye because it makes me wonder if the person was given ample time, opportunity or they really chose to disengage. The article states, "a professor of medicine and economics at Stanford University, was an early vocal opponent of coronavirus lockdowns beginning in early March. In a March 24 opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal when statewide lockdowns were beginning, Bhattacharya and a co-author questioned the severity of the virus, stating that universal quarantines may not be worth the costs to the economy, social life, and population health."

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How to tame an aggressive rooster

Finished the Epstein livestream and went right to this. No rest for the weary!

History of measles - vaccinated into a corner?

ICYMI: Here's a clip of my interview with Dr. David Brownstein discussing the current measles outbreak and how he says we were in sync with "Mother Nature" until the MMR vaccine and now "have vaccinated ourselves into a corner." Friday I will have two people on the show with opposing views on RFK Jr's recent FOX News Op-Ed, stay tuned.

Sassy the wonder horse is sick

Many of you are quite familiar with Sassy, my horse of 32 years, who was born when I was 11 and has traveled to Seattle from Florida and back with me. She survived a near-death experience in the winter of 2021 and rebounded like a champ. She is not in an emergency situation right now but she does have some mystery edema around her udders and abdomen so we are working to get to the bottom of that. I’m lucky to have a vet who is very focused on nutrition, the gut and metabolism. Updates to come.

What farmer Joel Salatin’s like in person

Lily and I got to spend a couple hours with Joel Salatin today at our friend’s nearby farm. He is in town for the Rogue Food Conference. (And has mentored our CSA farmer, “Farmer Nick” as the kids know him, for years so we were invited to come meet him.) I’ll be posting an in-person interview soon in which he discusses tyranny from the farmer’s perspective, and what he’s doing about that now. I remember reading “Everything I Want to Do is Illegal” almost a decade ago, and thinking, this guy is onto something. The man I met today has the same message he has had for decades: I own my right to feed myself. Joel is a no-words-minced kind of guy on camera and in person, but just as interested in listening as he is talking. My favorite part was praying with him and several other farmers at the end, asking God to guide us along this continually treacherous path. He and Lily shared a freshly picked carrot together and on the way home I said, “What did you think of Joel?” ...

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Think about so-called "Starlink" as you watch this. We are all these people. The only difference, most of us don't realize it.

wi-fi refugees full movie - YouTube

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