Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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QUESTIONS? Comedian starring with Gina Carano in Daily Wire movie

Tyler Fischer is my guest tomorrow. He is an actor and stand-up comedian who has performed on America's Got Talent, been a guest star on NBC's Chicago Med, TV Land's YOUNGER and STARTUP on Netflix. He is suing a talent agency because he says they told him they’re not working with him because he’s white. Tyler will be co-starring alongside Gina Carano in the upcoming movie Terror on the Prairie which will be released on June 14th on The Daily Wire. Any questions for him?

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QUESTIONS? Harvard, Columbia worst for free speech

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6 hours ago

When the bad impact is readily tangible. Sometimes, the people stand up swifly against it. A good litmus test to know if your government is not already totally bought and paid for, is if they respond to the push back. This is a fabuolus example of why you don't want a rock quarry in your area. The rock quarry request was shot down in flames, in their afternoon session.

This video is from Paulding County, Georgia. And starts at the 46:20 mark. The point where public comments begin. These folks knocked it out of the park in refuting from every angle.

BOC Work Session Meeting - 9/10/2024

But, this same vigor is what needs to be expressed and realized for things like wireless radiation. This same area was silent on wireless water meters being approved recently. And, there is NO “opt out”. Everyone takes a wireless water meter, or no water service.

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