Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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March 07, 2025

I suspect, this exact same playbook will be used. To sucker all creators of all types. Just cut and replace with the platform name and type of your choice...

The New BIGGEST Music Industry SCAM...

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History of measles - vaccinated into a corner?

ICYMI: Here's a clip of my interview with Dr. David Brownstein discussing the current measles outbreak and how he says we were in sync with "Mother Nature" until the MMR vaccine and now "have vaccinated ourselves into a corner." Friday I will have two people on the show with opposing views on RFK Jr's recent FOX News Op-Ed, stay tuned.

Sassy the wonder horse is sick

Many of you are quite familiar with Sassy, my horse of 32 years, who was born when I was 11 and has traveled to Seattle from Florida and back with me. She survived a near-death experience in the winter of 2021 and rebounded like a champ. She is not in an emergency situation right now but she does have some mystery edema around her udders and abdomen so we are working to get to the bottom of that. I’m lucky to have a vet who is very focused on nutrition, the gut and metabolism. Updates to come.

I’ve done some of this by accident

I took the Producers to see Cirque Maceo today, a really incredible equestrian acrobatic show. I marveled at all of the moves I can also do - but only when my horse decides she’s done with me - and since Sassy is now almost 32, she doesn’t put up much of a fight! So Im upside down a lot less. I had to share this video of one man moving underneath his galloping horse and then pulling himself back on top.

DEBATE: RFK Jr is hero or hypocrite?

Tomorrow morning 10A ET, Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington and Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond will join me for what I’m sure will be informative and lively discussion. My guests have opposing views of RFK Jr’s recent FOX News Op-Ed about measles and the MMR vaccine. Of course, the media reactions have been as expected. ANY QUESTIONS?

March 07, 2025

Alison, Can you invite this Assembly Member onto your show to talk about the waste fraud and abuse within california???

What did this California Assembly Member find and exposed that got him kicked out of the California Budget Committee???

REMOVED from CA Budget Committee for Exposing Waste and Abuse!

11 hours ago

The only way to expose cell phone radiation destroys the human brain on YouTube. Is to be a major media company like ABC News. Who probably forgot they posted this video 14 years ago.

Cell Phones Mysterious Effects on the Brain 2/22/2011


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