Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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Live Streamed on May 5, 2023 7:56 PM ET
1st time wife sees husband without beard!

Our friend, Jeff, has not trimmed his beard in 3 years. He shaved it so his wife can see his face for the first time uncensored. They're both joining me.

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💯 Floridian pre-hurricane move

You know you’re a Floridian when 36 hours before a tropical storm (potential hurricane) hits, you forgo the grocery store and power up the riding mower. Because nothing says survival quite like a freshly manicured lawn…git ‘er done!

Happy 43rd to the Technical Director!

We celebrated Lynn’s 43rd birthday this weekend. He’s the wizard behind the curtain who holds the whole show together despite rural life, two kids, many more animals and a technically illiterate wife. Happy Birthday @LynnWestover !

Teaching our chicks the thrill of flight

What can I say? We are a family of adventure seekers.

14 hours ago

Bank of America Shared Nonpublic Information With Investors in India, Whistleblower Says

And of course we know, this is not just happening overseas. But, that's what the CIA oops I mean WSJ has allowed to come out from a whistleblower.

I think this would be a great topic of discussion. Matt Christiansen, who you have interviewed, has been "broadcasting" his content through Tenant Media for close to a year. This to me, is another example of the government and legacy media just accepting a narrative that lines up with whatthey believe, even in light of the truth. You look at any person's content before and after joining Tenant Media and you won't notice any difference. The first link is a MSNBC recap of the situation and the other is Matt Christiansen giving his take.

21 hours ago

Donald John Trump Gives Technocracy Two Thumbs Up, and a Seat at the Table.

Come on folks, Warp Speed, 5G to beat "China" built out on "15 Days to Slow the Spread". God help all who have not figured this swindle out yet!

Trump to back Musk's proposal for government efficiency commission | Reuters
The commission would conduct "a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government" and make "recommendations for drastic reform," Trump will say on Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported on Trump's planned remarks.

Musk on Thursday reiterated his openness to serving on the body.

"I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises," Musk wrote on X.

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