Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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The Producer fled from the “Easter Bunny”

Zinnia’s school had an egg hunt yesterday at which the “Easter Bunny” made an appearance. The Producer fled with her bucket, a similar reaction to the one she had at their Christmas party with Santa. I realized that she has an innate sense of facade, a trait kids seem to share. But adults tell them to stifle it, “come on it’s just fun,” and then when we get older we simply turn that into, “what are you, a conspiracy theorist?!” I have also noticed that The Producer has an innate desire to participate and help around the farm. I can see how parents would say, “I’ll just do it myself because kids are messy, awkward, take forever, etc” but once again we have discouraged what could turn into the curiosity of an adult who is engaged in his or her community. Just some thoughts on this Easter weekend. Being a parent continues to teach me so much about why Jesus said, “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” For those of you celebrating the empty tomb today, hosanna! One of my favorite verses in John is the very last line, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.“

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My typical New Year’s Eve

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No eggs at grocery store

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QUESTIONS: Joel Salatin vetted for USDA chief, bird flu & more

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QUESTIONS? Inside UnitedHealthcare

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22 hours ago

When all false flags fail, they always revert back to the old "Muslim terrorist" narrative. And, so here we are again. With the false god name assigned "ISIS" blamed for a "vehicle attack". All to promote YOU accepting more control of your vehicle for "security". Also to promote: us vs them/Muslims, border worries, all rolled up. To advance technocracy getting you to beg for their control system solutions. And, more of this will come. The government found the old 9/11 psyop to be very successful.


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