Alison Morrow
News • Politics • Television
I am a former TV news reporter, married to a USMC veteran. I have transitioned my work to independent media analysis, focusing on bias and free speech issues, both on-air and online.
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Happy 29th Birthday Sassy!

Here I am with Sassy days after she was born 29 years ago in FL, and then again a couple years ago when we lived in Seattle. I am so grateful that we are celebrating with her today after she nearly died this winter. So many vets told us it was just her time to go, she’s old and lived a good life. We learned God determines when it is our time, not medicine. We have hope Sassy will be The Producer’s trusted steed someday too (She sits on Sassy now and says “bye” and waves me off like, “leave us alone I got this”) . HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. To celebrate, I’m going to try a livestream birthday party on our Off Gridish channel so you can join us and ask any Sassy question you’ve ever wanted to ask - we are planning for 3P PST - I’ll post the link here! 🎂 🧁 🐴 🎉 🥕 🍎

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